

  • CEO & Founder of Meta Systems Laboratory, Inc. /
    Assistant Professor of Center for Management of Information Technologies, Kagoshima University.

    Ph.D, Kentaro Oda,


    • Originally from Chikugo City, Fukuoka Prefecture, I currently hold a concurrent position as an assistant professor at the Information Infrastructure Center, Kagoshima University. With a track record including winning the RoboCup Japan and placing second in the RoboCup World Championships, I have been involved in collaborative research with various companies. In June 2021, I founded Meta Systems Laboratory to bring the results of this research to the real world and serve as its CEO. Our company focuses on applying the latest technologies such as blockchain, satellite and ocean simulation data, and machine learning to fishery resource management and origin certification. We have filed numerous patents for our innovations.


    As a Kagoshima University startup, we offer a one-stop solution business, from business model proposal consulting to research, development, and operation of new technologies centered on artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies. Specifically, we provide our clients with the latest technologies for digital transformation in the fisheries industry. Our capabilities include predicting red tides, identifying prime fishing grounds, and estimating fishing boat behavior using satellite data and AI. For instance, our fishing boat behavior estimation technology can predict when, where, by whom, and to what extent fishing activities are taking place, enabling real-time fishery resource management by utilizing this data to forecast fish stock. By providing cutting-edge research and development technologies, we not only develop systems but also create inventions, giving our clients a competitive edge in business.

  • Web Engineer

    Tomohiro Matsuo



    • Having built a strong background in full-stack development at Yahoo! Japan, I've honed my skills in creating innovative solutions utilizing blockchain and machine learning technologies.


    I am committed to creating user-friendly applications and systems.

  • Machine Learning Engineer




    • I have been involved in the development and operation of recommendation systems and search systems as a Machine Learning Engineer.


    I provide tailored machine learning solutions to help businesses grow. I am committed to staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and delivering results.

  • Machine Learning Engineer




    • I earned my Master's degree in Engineering from Kagoshima University, where I received the Best Paper Award at an international conference for my research on image processing and deep learning. Currently, I work as a Systems Engineer at a telecommunications carrier, developing monitoring platforms.


    I leverage my experience and knowledge to deliver tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of my clients. I prioritize communication and actively listen to my clients to ensure I accurately understand their challenges and provide effective solutions. I am committed to helping my clients achieve their goals.

  • Infrastructure Engineer




    • I am currently a Ph.D. candidate researching food printing using ultrasonic levitation. As an undergraduate, I was involved in robotics for the NHK Student Robot Contest. I have experience developing websites for engineering events, implementing APIs, and developing LIFF apps that interact with sensors.


    I am dedicated to building stable infrastructure that provides a seamless user experience. I stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and am committed to optimizing system security and performance. By actively collecting and analyzing user feedback, I strive to continuously improve our systems and deliver a more reliable service. I am committed to a user-centric approach in all my endeavors.

  • Machine Learning Engineer

    Tsuyoshi Takeda


    • Starting with no prior industry experience, I have worked on development projects across various industries, including insurance sales support systems, municipal tax support systems, utility contract systems, and cloud PBX app backends.


    Drawing on my experience working with legacy systems and across diverse industries, I am committed to delivering solutions that meet our clients' needs. Beyond simply addressing client requests, I proactively propose improvements, stay updated on the latest technologies, and continuously seek new knowledge to provide the best possible service.

  • Machine Learning Engineer

    Kentaro Kato


    • After graduating from the School of Creative Science and Engineering at Waseda University, I earned a Master's degree in Data Science from a foreign university. Currently, I work at a telecommunications carrier, developing 5G-enabled solutions and driving PoCs with businesses.


    I am committed to understanding my clients' challenges and goals and providing optimal machine learning solutions to support their digital transformation and DX initiatives.

  • Engineer



    • I am involved in the maintenance, operation, and development of embedded systems for marine survey equipment.


    I am committed to providing prompt and efficient service to meet our clients' needs.

  • Engineer

    Tsuchimoto Akio


    • Currently pursuing a Master's degree at Kagoshima University, my research focuses on using acoustic signals for device self-localization. I have experience developing navigation drones using Deep Q-Networks (DQN) and ultrasonic pinger-based localization systems.


    I am dedicated to combining technology and creativity to deliver solutions that bring our clients' visions to life. I select the most suitable approach for each project, focusing on efficient and innovative system development. By leveraging the knowledge gained from daily work, I strive to continuously improve my technical skills. I value building strong relationships with clients and aim to be a trusted IT partner for mutual growth.